Year 2, Day 61 : Around the World in 80 Plants

Chatting Books Online Year 2, Day 61. Today's recommended book is a new one to cross my path called : Around the World in 80 Plants by Jonathan Drori and illustrated by Lucille Clerc.

This is a neat book that travels around the world but instead of (a la Jules Verne) doing it in 80 days this author circumnavigates the globe by choosing a total of 80 plants that each played some interesting part in the history, culture, folklore , or some combination of the above in each region of the globe. It is really fascinating to learn about these plants. As an example the plants chosen for the USA include : Spanish Moss (did you know it is not a moss or fungus at all but actually related more closely to the pineapple ?) , the Southern Magnolia (this local beauty is actually a descendant of one of the earliest flowering plants in the world from before the Cretaceous period?), and Cannabis (an early draft of The Declaration of Independence was actually written on Hemp)?

Truly Fascinating stuff and beautifully illustrated . And, I have just discovered that this book is actually a follow up to his earlier book " Around the World in 80 Trees", well I guess I need to see that one too !

This hardcover book is 216 pages and currently sells for $24.99 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you.
