Carpe Librum Tote Bag
Tote Bag
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T-shirt , I Like Big Books
from $20.00
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T - Shirt , Dinosaurs
from $20.00
Youth Sized T-Shirt : Dinosaurs didn't read.
Recharge by Mighty Bright (Rechargeable Book Light)
Free your hands with the Easy Book Clip
Astronaut Hayley's Brave Adventure by Haley Arceneaux
Home of the Happy by Jordan LaHaye Fontenot
Wild Ride : My Journey from Cancer Kid to Astronaut by Hayley Arceneaux (Pre-Order - book available Aug 8, 2023)
Wild Ride by Hayley Arceneaux
This Girl's A Killer by Emma C. Wells - Hardcover
This Girl's a Killer by Emma C. Wells - Paperback
Rougarou Magic by Rachel Marsh
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Classical Shindig by Michael Harold & Quinn Peeper
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A Man For Others by Kevin Couhig
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EARLY CAMELLIAS IN LOUISIANA, 1825-1860: Long Lost Treasures Rediscovered by F. Wayne Stromeyer, and Trenton L. James
Andrew Higgins and the boats that landed Victory in World War II by Nancy Rust and Carol Stubbs
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Lagniappe Leftovers by Suzanne Duplantis (Signed Copy)
Louisiana Herb Journal by Corinne Martin
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The Ledger and the Chain by Joshua D. Rothman
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The Nuff by Veronica Waldrop
The Great Storm : a Bayou Fairies Book by Cher Nicole Levis
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The memory of Time by C H Lawler (Signed by the Author)
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Living Among the Dead by CH Lawler
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The Deepest South of All : True Stories from Natchez, Mississippi
The Soul of St Francisville by Anne Butler and Darrell Chitty (Signed )
Sale Price:$36.00 Original Price:$49.95
Jay Ducote's Louisiana Outdoor Cooking (Signed Copy)
Lifelike Creatures by Rebecca Baum
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Classic Restaurants of New Orleans by Alexandra Kennon (Signed copy)
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River of Fire by Sister Helen Prejean
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Southern Writers on Writing / edited by Susan Cushman
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City of a Milion Dreams by Jason Berry (Signed Copy)
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Louisiana Poets A Literary Guide (Signed Copy)
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Audubon on Louisiana edited by Ben Forkner (signed by Ben Forkner)
Live Not By Lies : A manual for hristian dissidents by Rod Dreher
The Little Way of Ruthie Leming: A Southern Girl, a Small Town, and the Secret of a Good Life /Dreher, Rod
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Reading Walker Percy's Novels by Jessica Hooten Wilson
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Atchafalya Houseboat by Gwen Roland
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Afton Villa: The Birth & Rebirth of a Nineteenth-Century Louisiana Garden by Genevieve Munson Trimble (Signed Copy)
Flags Along the Way by Gail Chisum (Signed Copy)
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Bayou Sara Used to Be by Anne Butler and Helen Williams
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Saints and Lesser Souls by Ronnie Virgets
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Chasing Venus: The Race to Measure the Heavens by Andrea Wulf (Signed Copy)
Blackbird Summer by Em Shotwell
Blackbird Falling by Em Shotwell (Available Signed after Nov 9)
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The Cottoncrest Curse by Michael H. Rubin
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The Fonville Winans Cookbook by Melinda Winans and Cynthia LeJeune Nobles
Mémère’s Country Creole Cookbook Recipes and Memories from Louisiana's German Coast by Nancy Tregre Wilson (Signed Copy)
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The Louisiana Urban Gardener by Kathryn K. Fontenot
Fonville Winans' Louisiana (new edition) by Cyril Vetter
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Forget Me Not by Em Shotwell (Signed Copy)
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Geek Charming by Robin Palmer (signed copy)
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Once Upon a Kiss by Robin Palmer
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The Louisiana Houses of A. Hays Town. / by Cyril Vetter with Photos by Philip Gould
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Louisiana Wild / CC Lockwood (Signed Copy)
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Discovering Louisiana by CC Lockwood (Signed Copy)
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Still Waters by CC Lockwood (Signed Copy)
Tom Benson a Billionaire's Journey by Kathy Finn (Signed by Author Kathy Finn)
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The Moviegoer at 50
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A Confederacy of Dunces Cookbook by Cynthia LeJeune Nobles
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The Public Art of Robert Dafford ( Text & Photos by Philip Gould ) SIGNED COPY
The Face of His Brother by Mark St.J.Couhig
Sale Price:$19.95 Original Price:$29.95
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Every Father's Daughter : 24 Women Writers Remember Their Fathers
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Cindy Ella by Robin Palmer
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Sources of Light by Margaret McMullan
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The Adventures of The Swamp Kids , The Missing Chord by Leif Pedersen (Signed Copy)
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A Dog Named Cat, The Adventures of the Swamp Kids by Leif Pedersen (Signed Copy)
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A Zoo Ta-Da, The Adventures of the Swamp Kids by Leif Pedersen (Signed Copy)
What Passes for Wisdom by C.H.Lawler
Planting the Natural Garden by Piet Oudolf & Henk Gerritsen
Everything I need to know I learned from a Little Golden Book
River Road Recipes
River Road Recipes II : A Second Helping
River Road Recipes III: A Healthy Collection
Dear William by David Magee
Arm in Arm by Catharine Savage Brosman
In the Footsteps of Audubon by Denis Clavereul (Signed Copy)
Symbol & Existence : A Study in Meaning by Walker Percy