Year 2 Day 31: Jane Eyre

Chatting Books Online Year 2, Day 32. Today’s recommended book is : Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte .

Several weeks ago I recommended a new book called The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins. After reviewing that book for you a couple of people commented that this book was a modern day re-telling of Jane Eyre which got me thinking; had I ever actually fully read Jane Eyre or did I just skim or use cliff notes in high school - or maybe watch an old movie (oh the horror !)

As I began reading it several things came back to me . I even remembered Mr Rochester’s dog but as the pages continued to turn and the plot continued to twist , double back and twist again It became evident I had never before fully read this book which deserves to be considered a classic psychological thriller .

With suspense and deep character development , and even a bit of romance this book is not a quick read (I normally finish 2 novels a week , I have been reading this one nearly 3 weeks now ) but it is certainly a book to be savored and one I think everyone should ACTUALLY read (not just skim , cliff , or view) at least once in their lives I am certainly glad I now have done so myself .

And here’s another plus ! We now carry this classic in the beautiful Chiltern Classics line with a ridiculously beautiful embossed cover and gold gilded pages . This sigh worthy beautiful book currently sells for $25 a copy . Just seeing the book binding is enough to make any book lover smile . Check out all the Chiltern Classics on display at our store , you will fall in love with these little beauties .

To purchase a copy of today’s recommended book come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you.
