Year 2, Day 89 : Mother May I

Chatting Books Online Year 2, Day 89 . Today's recommended book is :Mother May I by Joshilyn Jackson.

I really enjoyed Joshilyn Jackson's Almost Sisters so I was excited to see she had a new book coming out. Little did I know she has written so many ! actually this is her tenth book. In this one we meet Bree Cabbat who grew up poor raised by a mother who feared every bump in the night but while in college she met well healed Trey who carried her into a world filled with love, laughter and all the luxuries life could afford. All is good and happy until she sees a "witch " through her window early one morning. Did she imagine it? Was someone really there peering in ? Or are her mother's anxieties coming home to roost? As she is catapulted into a mystery she learns what is real and where the real boogie men (or women) reside.

A can't put it down thriller . Currently available in hardcover at 336 pages selling for $27.99 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you.
