Year 2, Day 72: Maverick Gardeners

Chatting Books Online Year 2 , Day 72. Today’s recommended book is Felder Rushing’s new book : Maverick Gardeners - Dr. Dirt and other Determined Independent Gardeners.

This book celebrates the non-conformist gardeners among us. Those folks that don’t only not follow the rules but do so proudly. They live in a celebration of the natural world often mixed in with quirky art and a lot of pass along plants. This isn’t a how-to book ( though there is a little of that), or a plant identifying book (though there is a section on pass along). This book is a celebration of the people and personalities that bring these gardens to exuberant life.

The book is a soft cover . It is 188 pages and sells for $20 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you
