Year 2, Day 51: Mudlark

Chatting Books Onine Year 2, day 51. Today's recommended book is " Mudlark, In Search of London's Past Along the River Thames" by Lara Maiklem.

Do you know what a mudlark is ? A Mudlark is a person who scavengesfor usable debris in the mud of a river or harbor. I have talked to some Mississippi River Mudlarks right here in our own town, but this book is about Mudlarking along the Thames in London, England. The author has been mudlarking for over 15 years and has a loyal social media following (87.2k followers on Instagram alone @london.mudlark) . Through this book Lara uses the items she finds along the Thames to tell stories from London's past. For instance when she finds a ladies pin she explains where the term "pin money" came from. It is part travel guide to London, part history book and all fascinating.

The book is available in hardcover , at 311 pages and currently sells for $27.95 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you.
