Year 2, Day 44: The New Yorl Times Cooking No-Recipe Recipes

Chatting Books Online Year 2, Day 43. Today's recommended book is : The New York Times Cooking No-Recipe Recipes. The basic idea of this cookbook is that if you are even a somewhat experienced cook you don't need a step-by-step recipe but instead a framework and idea that can lead you to improvise and come up with dishes with your own flair.

So as they state : you do not need a recipe , but you do need a well stocked pantry - and it gives a breakdown of what to have on hand to always be able to create wonderful meals from whatever is on hand.

So each page has a beautiful picture of some simple dish and then a list of ingredients suggested , but without measurements, and a very simplified how-to section. I love this book because it really lets your creativity fly . Afterall, half the battle is just deciding what to serve and these ideas and pictures certainly help with that! Check out the page on Black Bean Tacos I have included and you will get the picture.

This cookbook is cloth covered, 242 pages, and sells for $28.00 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you.
