Year 2 , Day 37: The Superior Person's Complete Book of Words

Chatting Books Online Year 2 Day 36. Today's recommended book is : The Superior person's Complete Book of Words by Peter Bowler.

Billed as :Nothing Short of a brief dictionary for those who aspire to linguistic snobbery" by The St Petersburg Times this book is exactly that.

Flip to any page and read the first definition your eyes land on... for instance, page 57 starts with : Didaper: n. One who disappears and then pops up again . from "dive' and "dapper" (a variation of "dipper"). specifically applied to the dabchick , a small freshwater diving bird. Or, perhaps, a teenager between mealtimes.

Or how about page 176 : Obliquity. n. A deviation. "Tried any new obliquities this week, simon?".

I mean those are words worth knowing, am I right? And will certainly make you the most interesting. or most pretentious (or both) , person at a dinner party !

So that is what the book is, just a delightful collection of off beat words and definitions . There are some you will know (Impeccable , really? That made it and Conundrum did not?) , and plenty you won't but might be able to guess based on root derivation , and some you will be completely clueless about and seriously wonder if they made them up. But any way you cut it certainly it is over 1000 off-beat very highfautin (which is in there and that IS the proper spelling) definitions for you to use to impress your friends.

This paperback volume is 290 ages and currently sells for $24.95 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you.
