Year 2 Day 33: The Week in Review April 12 - 18, 2021

Chatting Books Online Year 2, Day 33: The Week in Review April 12 - 18, 2021.

Thanks for joining us again this week as we sent out new book recommendations into the electronic void.

This week we recommended a book of eerily beautiful buildings in Abandoned Louisiana

Tuesday brought a new book by the author of First Make Your Bed with Admiral McRaven's The Hero Code.

We then talked about a fun truck themed kids book called Three Cheers for Kid McGear.

We celebrated the new ken Burns documentary with a book of Quotations by Ernest Hemingway, then I reread a classic in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre .

We wrapped up the week in the garden with Heirloom Gardens in the South.

If you missed any of these reviews and want to read what I had to say about them you can see all of our Chatting Books Online picks by visiting our website at: .

We still (and always will going forward) offer shipping if you cannot make it to the store. Or just stop by the shop during or normal hours . See you soon !
