Year 2 Day 28: Abandonded Louisiana

Chatting Books Online, Year 2 , Day 28. Today's recommended book is one that is new to us , and as of October 2020 was new to everyone. That book is "Abandoned Louisiana : Under a Bayou Moon " by Mike Cooper.

In this book Mike Cooper traveled over 4000 miles of backroads in Louisiana looking for abandoned structures, things and places and photographing them at night using creative lighting techniques to produce interesting, somewhat otherworldly photos.

Louisiana has quite a few interesting abandoned building; from churches to general stores and gas stations but Mr. Cooper also found and photographed other abandoned places like a water part complete with smiling sea monsters and an abandoned minor league baseball stadium (no , not that one) . There are abandoned cars and trucks, a few campers, and quite a few landlocked boats in his photos. Then there are the signs for structures since long gone leaving you to wonder what happened to that driving range, or movies theater , or motel .

I particularly like that he took his pictures in the dark of night with such interesting lighting . It really lends a rather ethereal beauty to places that in other light (figuratively and literally) might be seen as an eyesore.

This paperback book is 112 pages and currently sells for $24.99 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you.
