Year 2 , Day 2: The Paris Library

Chatting Books Online Year 2 , Day 2 AKA Day 367) Today's recommended book is The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles.

Well , I've broken my own "no more books set in World War II" rule again. With so many historical fiction books set in this period in the last few years you would think it would be hard to bring something fresh and new to the genre - well this book does. Set partially in Paris between 1939 and 1944 and partially in Montana in the mid 1980's this book tells the story of Odile. Odile is a young girl in Paris before the war when she lands her dream job as a librarian at The American Library in Paris (where I MUST go soon) , Everything is going well, she has a twin brother whom she is very close to,, good friends, a handsome police officer beau and her dream job. Then slowly things start to turn as there are whispers of war and then it breaks out in full. Through memories and flash backs we learn Odile's story as she gets to know her young neighbor Lily in Montana. What starts as curiosity for Lily as to what brought this sophisticated French women to her little town in Montana becomes curiosity for the reader and you will want to know her trajectory as well. A lovely book , maybe I should not make "rules" after all.

This book is currently available in hardcover at $28.00 .

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you

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