Year 2 Day 19: Flags Along the Way

Chatting Books Online Year 2 Day 19. Today's recommended book is: Flags Along the Way : A Pictorial Journey Through the History of West Feliciana Parish with Text and Photography by Gail L. Chisum.

We carry several books about West Feliciana . Some are history books, others are beautiful coffee table books featuring the homes and churches of the area. What I like about this book is that it is both. It tells the history of the Parish by tracing it through time and dividing the book's sections by whose flag flew over the area when a certain structure was built. So the homes, churches and other structures are included in order of their building but at the beginning of each section it tells a bit about the history of who held control of the area at that time ( Spanish, French, British, The Republic of West Florida, or American) then it goes into a bit of history about each building. And if that were not enough to recommend this beautifully photographed book , my house (built in 1803 while Spain held the area) is in it , so of course I love it.

This hardcover coffee table is 252 pages and sells for $ 49.95. We currently have copies signed by the author , West Feliciana's own, Gail Chisum

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you.
