Day 87 : The Ilustrated Encycopedia of Country Living

Chatting Books Online Day 87. Today's recommended book is one I have found myself pulling off the shelf over and over again when I need a bit of information (perk of owning the bookstore you know). It is The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Country Living by Abigail Gehring. What should I feed my chickens? What should I NOT feed my chickens? What equipment do I need to can vegetables if I buy too much at the farmers market? If I want to try it (have not) how would I build a bigger chicken enclosure and coop? I have found myself needing answers to all of these questions, and plenty more.

Gehring has compiled a massive, beautifully presented, single volume that covers canning and preserving, keeping chickens, fermenting, soap-making, how to generate your own energy, how to build a log cabin, natural medicine, cheese-making, maple sugaring, farm mechanics, and much, much more.

It is your one-stop reference to how to live in the country, and this city born girl needed that . Maybe you do too.

The book is paperback , and has 888 pages. It sells for $ 29.95 a copy.

me and chicks.jpg