Day 74: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Chatting Books Online Day 74. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee opens with the quote " Lawyers, I suppose, were children once" by Charles Lamb and that pretty much sums up this book in my mind. This book and it's characters have become such icons in literature and in the south that just like we think we know what the lawyers we meet have always been like I think we think of the characters we meet both in books and in life and we think we know who they are, or who they have always been. Scout has been and always will be a precocious child, Boo Radley is , and always has been, a scary recluse who frightens childrens and hurts pets. And Atticus Finch is , always has been, and always will be an icon of civil rights , the ultimate good guy. But dig a little deeper and we see in this novel that they all have so many more layers and what you see is not always what you get or what things seem to be now is not necessarily how they have always been or will always be (continue on an also read "Go Set A Watchman" where you can see both the before and after of many of these characters and your eyes open even further.

One of those books we are all familiar with but certainly worth a revisit every few years as you will continue to uncover layers not seen before in this Pulitzer Prize Winning novel.

Paperback, 323 pages. $ 15.99 a copy.
