Day 365 : The Year in Review!

Chatting Books Online Day 365. The year in review!

365 days .... One full year..... When I started this feed it was with the idea that I would recommend a book each day over the "15 days to stop the spread" when I thought my bookshop would be closed. A lot has changed since then. 15 days became several months, then we were able to open on a limited basis but at that point we were into the swing of this book recommending thing so I kept going. Well here we are a year in, getting closer and closer to normal , many people vaccinated , and yet I still keep going.

I want to take a minute to thank each one of you for reading these posts . This has been an absolute life-line for the bookshop. On the lonliest of days boxing up books and puzzles in a bookshop closed to the public these posts gave me the chance to 'talk" to you , and your replies and orders made it a real conversation and a way to continue to tell you about new books without chatting in the person. .

Your orders for these books, for the puzzles we posted , and your special orders have kept us afloat through the lean days of the pandemic and continue to bring in orders and requests nearly every day. Thank you. Thank you for reading along, Thank you for ordering what I recommend, and Thank you for your likes and comments each morning.

Now , I won't say every recommendation has been a huge smash but very few have been complete duds either, if orders , comments, likes and purchases are how we measure things anyway. So it is with that in mind that even though I firmly believe we can start getting back to "normal" very soon I am not planning to stop these recommendations anytime soon. But I do have a question for you : I numbered them when I thought it would be 15 or 30 days . Now that we have completed a full year do we keep going numerically so tomorrow is "Day 366", or is tomorrow " Year 2 day 1"?

Well until tomorrow , whatever we decide to call it, just know that I appreciate each person reading along and I will be here bright and early tomorrow morning with another episode of Chatting Books Online and another new recommendation. See you soon!
