Day 363 : Snakes of Louisiana

Chatting Books Online Day 363. With the weather getting warmer today's recommendation is : Snakes of Louisiana , A guide to common and notable species.

This plastic coated fold out shows pictures, descriptions, and identifying features of the most common Louisiana snakes. People tell me this is important to know as you start gardening in this warm weather so that you know which snakes are "good snakes" and which are not "good snakes". You will notice I put "good snakes" in parenthesis , That is because though I understand the theory of beneficial snakes (eating mice etc) you should also understand that I am not getting close enough to ANY snake to make that determination. That said this card can come in very handy when looking at a dead snake to see what it WAS. (go ahead fuss at me).

This handy dandy plastic coated illustrated card sells for $ 7.95 a copy.

o purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you.
