Day 353: Mad Libs!

Chatting Books Online Day 353. Today's recommendation is : Mad Libs !

It has become apparent to me that kids today do not know what Mad Libs are - and quite frankly this horrifies me, and also explains quite a bit about the death of the adverb in today's lexicon but that is a rant for another day.

Mad Libs are a fantastically fun , vocabulary building, word game that my brothers and I loved in the 70's. First invented and published in the 1950's the game gives story templates on any number of topics. For instance in Star Wars Mad Libs all of the story templates will be Star Wars related.

You need at least 2 people to play. One holds the book and asks the others for a list of parts of speech. "Give me an adjective" , "now give me an adverb" , "a proper noun" etc. As you get answers from the others the story teller writes their answers in the blanks provided without telling the others what the story is about or letting them read the text. The more outlandish your answers the better! After all of the blanks have been filled in the story teller will read the completed story back to the group substituting the team's answers for the blanks - and try not to laugh too much. It really is funny, as you might imagine with four brothers there was a lot of potty related answers in the ones we completed as children. And the best part? Children are learning word usage along the way. - you can't tell me an adverb if you don't know what one is!

We carry a variety of Mad Libs titles each selling for $4.99 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you .Now mask up , sit back, and enjoy the fun !
