Day 344 : The Meateater

Chatting Books Online Day 344. Today's recommended book is : The Meateater Fish and Game Cookbook, Recipes and Techniques for every Hunter and Angler by Steven Rinella.

Do you know someone who likes to hunt and fish , or someone who wants to take up the hobby? If so this book will be indispensable. Written by Steven Rinella of the show and Podcast The Meateater this hardcover cookbook starts with what to do once you bag the animal. How do you gut and butcher it and prepare it for cooking. Then what to cook and how to cook it. With lots of full color pictures - even of the step-by-step butchering instructions this book really takes you from hunt or boat to table.

This hardcover cookbook is 350 pages and sells for $35.00 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you .Now Mask Up and get outside !
