Chatting Books Online Day 330. Just a warning - I am feeling a Valentine's theme coming on this week. Today's recommended book is "Love Monster and the Last Chocolate" by Rachel Bright.
This super fun story book has the Love Monster returning from vacation to find a box of chocolates on his porch. As he starts imagining all the delicious treats inside he immediately thinks of sharing with his friends , but what if there are not enough? Or what if someone else takes his favorite? Oh What to Do, What To Do ! With selfish thoughts floating through his brain Love Monster considers hiding inside to eat them all alone but then suddenly knows he must share so before he can change his mind again he runs to find his friends and only then discovers what is really in the box , and in doing so discovers just how much his friends love him.
This super sweet over-sized hardcover story book is perfect for Valentine's Day and currently sells for $17.99 a copy.
To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you .Now Mask Up and share this special Valentine with friends