Day 314 : Oona Out of Order

Chatting Books Online Day 314. Today's recommended book is Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore.

"Time heals all. But what if time itself is the disease?" That is from Wim Wenders and Peter Handke, Wings of Desire , it is also the quote that opens this book and sets the tone for what is to follow.

Oona lives an exciting life filled with travel, music , love, loss, and adventure , the only problem is it is all out of order. Every New Years Eve Oona, whose birthday happens to be New Years Day , is thrust into a new year - but not necessarily the one that would normally follow consecutively on a calender. So she may be 19 on New Years Eve and suddenly is thrust into her life at 51 at midnight - complete with a 51 year old's body, and life but none of the memories of the years in between . And at the end of that year she may be 35 or 65 - you get the picture. Eventually she lives all of her life just not in way anyone would consider normal. It gives lots of opportunity for big questions : would you change your future if you could? Should you? But it also gives the opportunity to look back at ourselves in the 80's or 90's wearing neon and shoulder pads etc and wonder what the heck we were thinking! And Oona is into music so we get a musical odyssey through the decades as a little bonus for you music fans.

The book is warm, and humorous and witty and a quick page turner - absolute escapism.

We currently stock the book in hardcover , it is 336 pages and sells for $ 26.99 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you .
