Chatting Books Online Day 277. Today's recommended book is : "Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree" by Robert Barry.
This is one of those books that if you read it as a child it was one of your favorites and you have been looking, quite unsuccessfully in most cases , for a copy ever since. Why twice in the last few months I have had people wander in the shop and after seeing the selection of children's books we carry say : "This is a long shot but have you ever heard of a book called Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree? And when I handed the last girl the book she literally squealed with glee and hugged the book for the rest of their visit until buying it . I don't know why more stores don't carry this book , it is delightful. The book was originally published in 1963.
Mr. Willowby is a very rich man (butlers, gardeners, big house etc) who is very excited because he has ordered a gigantic and beautiful Christmas tree. There's only one problem , when they stand it up in his house it is too tall and bends against the ceiling. Not one to give in to a problem the butler takes a hatchet and swipes off the top of the tray and carries it away. That part of the tree is perfectly tree shaped and he decides it would be nice to give it to the upstairs maid who delights in the tree, puts it on a table - but alas, it is too tall so she snips off the top and discards it. That's where the gardener finds it and brings it home, where you guessed it, it's just a little too tall so they chop a bit off the top too. Then a bear, then a fox, the a family of rabbits in turn get parts of the tree that are in each case perfect for that family discarding the rest. Finally a mouse finds the last little tip and brings it to his home where they decorate it and dance around their wonderful and perfect tree. Fade out you realize this mouse lives in the wall in Mr. Willowby's house. A very full-circle joyous story . Well I did not mean to tell you the whole story but I just couldn't help myself it is such a lovely book.
This hardcover story book sells for $16.99 a copy and should be added to your collection if not already there.