Day 272 : In the Sanctuary of Outcasts

Chatting Books Online Day 272. We are taking a break from the Christmas books today to recommend the book:" In The Sanctuary of Outcasts " by Neil White.

This is one of those books that people have recommended to me for years but for one reason or another until this week I had not read it myself. Well now I have and it is fascinating.

This book is the memoir of Neil White, a man sent to federal prison for bank fraud only the prison he was sent to was doing dual duty as a home for people with Leprosy. Located in Carville, Louisiana this facility has a long history as a Leprosarium and over time the bureau of prisons had also added federal prisoners into some of the unused buildings. In this book Mr. White talks about his experiences. He tells the stories of some of his co-prisoners as well as those of some of the Leprosy patients at the facility that he came into regular contact with. These stories are so interesting to me as I really did not know much about leprosy before reading this book or about the experiences of those afflicted with the disease and their exclusion from society. Absolutely fascinating read.

This paperback book is 313 pages and sells for $16.99 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you -Now mask up and Take Care.
