Day 263 : Bayou Night

Chatting Books Online Day 263. Today's recommended book is "Bayou Santa" written by Leif Nedand Pedersen and Illustrated by Mickey Asche.

This is a beautiful book about Papa Noel Robicheaux a very kind man who was known throughout the bayou as being a good man who carved beautiful gifts for all of the children throughout the bayous. When Santa found himself pressed for time delivering gifts in Acadiana he decided he needed a proxy and knew just who it should be . Filled with a bit of elfin magic and a lot of kindness this book would be a beautiful addition to your Cajun Christmas Collection .

The book is written in rhyming verse , this great big beautiful hardcover Storybook sells for $19.99 a copy and we currently have copies signed by the author !

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you -Now mask up and share the joy of Christmas!
