Day 242 : New Orleans Houses

Chatting Books Online Day 242. Today's recommended book is New Orleans Houses: A House-Watcher's Guide by Lloyd Vogt.

Do you know the difference between a Creole Cottage and a Italianate Camelback? Between an Eastlake Shotgun Double and Greek Revival Shotgun Double? Walking the streets of New Orleans this is useful information. I discovered this book recently at my Mother's house and immediately ordered some for the shop. Mom's was published in 1985, the new ones we have just came out in a republication (sadly in paperback only) released in August of this year.

The book has fantastic labeled pencil sketches of each type of home to help in your identification.

The Publisher describes the book in the following manner:

One of the greatest outdoor museums in the world, New Orleans is acclaimed for its unique architecture. Glimpses of its evolving character from the colonial period to the present can be found in the open porches, balconies, arches, and stained-glass windows of its homes, from simple Creole cottages to suburban ranch houses. As you wander through the dynamic streets and alleyways of the city, this easy-to-follow, beautifully detailed guide will assist you in identifying and dating the houses you pass while placing them in their historical context.

Over one hundred hand-rendered illustrations of existing New Orleans homes as well as composite sketches of distinctive details highlight the characteristics commonly associated with certain types of homes. Maps point out areas of architectural development by periods, and a glossary clarifies the sometimes-confusing terminology used in discussing architecture.

The paperback copies we currently carry sell for $24.95 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you -Now mask up , stay positive and take a walk through architectural history.

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