Day 223: The Modern Cottage Garden

Chatting Books Online Day 223. Today's recommended book is  chosen to celebrate the fact that we finally have an outside event book sale pop-up today at The Folsom Garden Show!  We are so looking forward to bringing a wide selection of our gardening books to this group of enthusiastic gardeners.  Today's book is : The Modern Cottage Garden: a fresh approach to a classic style by Greg Loades with photography by Neil Hepworth.

When I saw the announcement of this new book from the Timber Press I knew I needed to order it immediately .  I am a huge fan of the traditional cottage garden style often found throughout the English countryside .  It is a style that is abundant and varied but unfortunately I have found it difficult to replicate in my own gardens.  Well I now have a new tool in my quest and a new approach .  This fabulous new book gives step-by-step directions in developing a cottage style garden of your own by blending the traditional cottage garden style with the new perennial movement in modern gardening making a "new traditional garden style" that combines the two previously separate styles to blend into something new, blended, and improved that maintains that cottage garden look I am wanting but with easier perennials mixed in to lessen the work load.  Win- Win!!! 

Actually in the book they describe the blending of styles to be similar to hearing Bing Crosby sing the "Little Drummer Boy"  with David Bowie where the old and the new come together to become something beautiful.   Well, they had me with that description alone.

I love that not only do you get the step-by-step garden building sections, but then it also includes a check list for each season of what to do to maintain your new modern cottage garden and it even ends with a list of 50 essential plants for your new modern cottage garden and information on each. (you know I will be looking for all of these at the garden show this weekend!)

This new gardening book is hardcover , 228 pages, and sells for $24.95 a copy.

To purchase a copy come see us at the shop during business hours or you can call or message me to have a copy shipped to you -Now mask up and go buy some plants !
