Day 106: The Week in Review June 22-28. 2020

How can another week be over already? How can I have already made over 100 recommendations since Covid changed our world?

This week we not only travelled all over this world but we left this world , and this place in time as well!

We started with a trip I should (by all rights in a normal world) been on right now with A Gardeners Travel Companion to England, then we traveled to the beaches of Florida in Hello, Summer. We let our minds wander in “Every Day a Word Surprises Me”, then flew right out of time and place with A Wrinkle in Time. Not to sit still (in our minds at least) we then skipped back across the pond this time for a visit to Wigtown, Scotland for a visit with bookstore owner Shaun Bythell in The Diary of a Bookseller, then finally returned home with our friend Jason Berry to explore the 300 year history of New Orleans in “City of a Million Dreams”.
