Day 119 : Midnight in the Garden of God and Evil

Chatting Books Online Day 119. Today's recommended book is Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt. This novel is southern in all the best , and oddest, of ways. Set in the beautiful mansions of Savannah , the descriptions are as intriguing as the drama. As gunfire rings out the questions - and rumors- start flying. Was it murder? Was it self-defense? Why did it happen? Add in a foul-mouthed drag queen, a voodoo priestess, a few society ladies, a piano playing con-artist, an antiques dealer, and a red-neck gigolo and you will forget that this wildly entertaining book is actually about a true-crime. If you have never read it, or haven't read it in a while you owe yourself the favor of picking up a copy today. We offer this southern classic in both hardcover for $ 28.00 and in paperback for $16.95.
