Chatting Books Online Day 119. Today's recommended book is Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt. This novel is southern in all the best , and oddest, of ways. Set in the beautiful mansions of Savannah , the descriptions are as intriguing as the drama. As gunfire rings out the questions - and rumors- start flying. Was it murder? Was it self-defense? Why did it happen? Add in a foul-mouthed drag queen, a voodoo priestess, a few society ladies, a piano playing con-artist, an antiques dealer, and a red-neck gigolo and you will forget that this wildly entertaining book is actually about a true-crime. If you have never read it, or haven't read it in a while you owe yourself the favor of picking up a copy today. We offer this southern classic in both hardcover for $ 28.00 and in paperback for $16.95.