Day 32: Fevre Dream by George R R Martin

Chatting Books Online Day 32. Are you a fan of Game of Thrones ? How about The Vampire Lestat or Twilight ? What do you think about books set in and around St Francisville or on the mighty Mississippi ? Well if you answered yes to any of those (and particularly if you answered yes up ALL of those ) than you are gonna love today’s recommended book ! Today’s book is Fevre Dream written in 1982 by George R R Martin himself . Set on and around a steamboat on The Mississippi River in the 19th century this tale of vampires that are not so much super natural as another breed of human created by evolution with superhuman powers , of which critics have said : “This is without question one of the greatest vampire novels of all time". , is the book for you . Who knew this book existed ? Interestingly , I was told about it a year or so ago by a passenger on a river boat - well you know I had to read it, loved it , and have kept it in stock ever since . Get carried away on the river to another time in this page turner . Available in paperback for just $7.99 .

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