Chatting Books Online Day 28. Today’s recommended book ranges from East Feliciana Parish all the way to New Mexico . The Face of his Brother by Mark Couhig Is at its heart the story of an old Louisiana family and if the secrets and scandals that toil beneath the surface .
Now, the name of the author may be familiar to some of you , and yes , this is a novel written by my brother-in-law Mark, but that is not why I picked this book today . (And no, the brother mentioned in the title is neither my husband, nor either of Mark’s other actual brothers.). This is a fast paced, well written thriller of a book filled with plot twist that will keep you turning the pages. Less a “who done it”, than a “what happens now that he has done it” kind of mystery it is a truly enjoyable read that I would choose regardless of the author’s name.
To learn more about the book or to order a copy visit our website at :…/the-face-of-his-brother-by-… . The book is a hardcover selling for $19.95. You can also purchase this , or any , book by just messaging me. I can send you an online invoice link via email . We can then either mail the book to you or you can pick it up from our front bench during one of our twice daily , no contact , pick up windows ; either between 9am and 9:30 in the morning or between 4pm and 4:30 in the afternoons . Be well .