Chatting books online Day 23. Since everyone suddenly has more time on their hands , and since getting outside on a solitary basis is good for you and maintains social distance ; today’s recommended book is The National Audubon Society’s Field Guide to Birds : Eastern Region. Bird watching is practically made for social distancing so now is an excellent time to take up this hobby and this is the guide book to help you . (And yes , we are considered the Eastern Region ). With 646 color photos grouped by appearance you can use this guide to identity all those birds you are suddenly hearing now that you have time to listen !
To purchase this , or any , book just message me and I can send you an online invoice link via email . We can then either mail the book to you or you can pick it up from our front bench during one of our twice daily , no contact , pick up windows ; either between 9am and 9:30 in the morning or between 4pm and 4:30 in the afternoons . I hope you are staying well .